
Grants are available throughout the UK to support businesses that are investing in capital investment, job creation and safeguarding, research and development and training. Support is available from a number of different sources including regional and national organisations.

GS Verde can assist with identifying the most appropriate grant scheme, advising on the total to apply for, developing an appropriate need for grant funding, assisting with the application and reviewing the terms and conditions of any grant offer.

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Application Process

Grant funding is a specialist area and grants are subject to several eligibility criteria. Funding is often limited so having the right advice and support with your application can be a crucial factor in maximising the chances of a successful application. Our team has over 20 years' experience of assisting businesses with accessing grant funding and can help you achieve your businesses grant funding goals.


GS Verde Corporate Finance is part of the GS Verde Group, a multi discipline group supporting businesses from start to finish on corporate transactions such as raising investment, mergers & acquisitions and business sales.

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