Due Diligence
GS Verde offers a comprehensive due diligence process as part of any business acquisition, ensuring all necessary aspects of a business are examined. We provide a comprehensive report, based on detailed procedures analysing all relevant data and identifying key risk areas, to provide you with a thorough report that helps determine the best options for you.
Buying a Business?
Reverse Due Diligence
Reverse due diligence determines the current condition of a business by objectively assessing all aspects, including financial data and company policies. For the sale of a business, GS Verde's team of experts look to identify and rectify any areas of risk, to mitigate the chance of a potential buyer negotiating on commercial terms of the deal.
Selling a Business?
GS Verde Corporate Finance is part of the GS Verde Group, a multi discipline group supporting businesses from start to finish on corporate transactions such as raising investment, mergers & acquisitions and business sales.
The business focused experts in getting deals done
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